Monday, 29 March 2010

Microsoft article on DSLs

An interesting article from the Microsoft site posted in Jan 2010 on the use of DSLs in C# -- a resource worth looking at when thinking about how this approach can be used to simplify the implementation of HL7.  Patterns in Practice - Internal Domain Specific Languages

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Specifications available online

The availability of the HITSP specifications at is a great example of how  making the specifications freely available simplifies evaluation and adoption.  We need to establish a business model for SDOs that makes this an affordable norm for standards publication.

UK Deparatment of Health strategy on Global Health

The UK DoH strategy on Global Health is interesting in the priorities that it does identify, and those that are not mentioned.  There is no direct reference to the need for international healthcare information standards, but it does identify a set of strategic objectives that could usefully be compared with those of BSI-IST35, HL7UK and other UK health informatics groups that face outwards.